Sunday, July 31, 2011


Food shortages in Germany itself had pushed many civilians to the brink of starvation. Farmers were short of labourers to bring in the harvest as young men had been drafted into the military. By 1918, Germany was producing only 50% of the milk it had done before the war. By the winter of 1917, the supply of potatoes had run out and the only real alternative was turnips. This is why the winter of 1916 to 1917 is known as the "Turnip Winter". Turnips were used as animal foodstuff and the thought of eating them repelled many as they were the food of cows, pigs etc. Lack of food had seriously weakened the ability of people to fight off disease. Flu had a terrible impact on Germans as the people had little bodily strength to fight the illness. It is thought that nearly 750,000 died of a combination of flu and starvation - this figure included mainly civilians but it also included soldiers who had survived the horror of war, returned to Germany and had died of the disease.
By Christmas 1918, Germany was at peace with regards to the war. The Armistice held out - though Germany was incapable of fighting anyway. However, the shock of defeat combined with the state of Germany caused the new government lead by Ebert to inherit many problems. 

  • Weimar Govt unstable - due to consequences of WW1
  • WW1 destroyed Germany - the economy was bankrupt , many industries destroyed during war, many young men killed or injured, high unemployemnt rate ( especially soldiers who returned and found themselves unemployed due to demilitarisation) , the gap between rich and poor was huge,money losing value - thus a lot of suffering
  • as a result people were angry - Germany in chaotic situation - many riots and rebellions and violence
  • the Versailles Treaty worsened the situation - many Germans hated the Weimar Govt for signing the treaty - because they felt it was an unfair treaty that humiliated Germany:
  • by putting the blame and GUILT of WW1 soley on Germany destroying Germany by taking away territories , making them pay HUGE reparations, demilitarising Germany and making her totally defenceless against attacks to many Germans
  • -VT was a DIKTAT - unfair treaty that they were forced to sign - so they blamed the Weimar GOVT for this - and called them the November Criminals - they stabbed Germany in the back - betrayed the country and the people THUS - right from the start -
  • Weimar Government was UNPOPULAR with the people and had LITTLE SUPPORT from them

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